
How to Scare an Insurance Adjuster for a Better Settlement


Insurance adjusters have a significant impact on the outcomes of personal injury and property damage cases. While many insurance adjusters work diligently to review all relevant details and reach a fair conclusion, others may employ unethical practices.

You can help protect yourself from these bad-faith tactics by instilling fear in your insurance adjuster. This goal is achievable with knowledge, a strategic plan, tenacity, and the assistance of an experienced lawyer.

This article contains a step-by-step guide on how to scare an insurance adjuster for a better settlement.

Insurance Adjuster for a Better Settlement

What Does an Insurance Adjuster Do?

Insurance adjusters are responsible for assessing insurance claims. They are also in charge of assessing vehicle damage to determine how much the insurance provider should pay you for your losses.

Many insurance adjusters can determine which damages on your vehicle are old and which are new, and the result of the accident is due to their experience and training. However, in order to reach these conclusions, these adjusters will employ a variety of techniques, such as visually inspecting your vehicle or requesting an estimate from a certified repair shop to learn more about the extent of your damages.

After receiving this information, the adjuster will determine whether or not you should receive compensation for the accident and how much compensation you should receive.

How insurance adjusters determine damages

If a home, business, or vehicle is damaged in an accident, insurance adjusters will be among the first to arrive on the scene. After an accident, one of the first things property owners should do is file an insurance claim.

An insurance company will dispatch an insurance adjuster as soon as they do. This adjuster assesses the damage and determines how much the insurance company should cover. How do they determine damages? Below is how this is done:

 #1.  Interview the Claimants and Witnesses

The insurance adjuster will speak with the claimant and, if applicable, any witnesses during the claims process. They will make an effort to piece together the events in order to establish who was at fault and to identify the damages that were caused by accident and those that already existed.

#2. Inspect Property

Insurance adjusters are well-versed in the properties they will be inspecting. Car insurance adjusters, for example, understand the main components of a vehicle and how the parts fit together. They apply this knowledge during the damage assessment process.

They use adjusting tools like measuring devices, tool belts, and damage estimation software. Their knowledge and these tools assist insurance adjusters in conducting thorough evaluations.

#3. Gather Documents

Insurance adjusters must have documentation to back up their damage evaluations in addition to evaluating the property and interviewing claimants and witnesses.

Accident reports, police notes, and photos and videos of the accident and damage are among the documents. Insurance adjusters submit these documents, along with the claim, to the insurance company.

#4. Provide a Settlement

After you’ve finished assessing the damages, you’ll arrive at a settlement figure that insurance companies should cover. This is given to the insurance company and the claimant, and an agreement is reached. Insurance adjusters act as go-betweens for insurance companies and claimants, so your communication skills must be sharp.

#5. Hire A Car Accident Lawyer

Hiring a car accident attorney is the first and most crucial step in scaring an insurance adjuster. A competent attorney will have the skills, connections, and resources necessary to develop a compelling argument on your behalf and bargain for a reasonable resolution.

The following are some of the ways a car accident attorney can assist you:

  • Compile and evaluate proof, including police reports, witness statements, and medical records.
  • Calculate the cost of your damages, taking into account property damage, pain and suffering, lost wages, and medical costs.
  • Determine who is at fault and seek out all insurance options.
  • Speak on your behalf when speaking with the insurance adjuster and other parties.
  • If necessary, file a lawsuit and act as your advocate in court.

#6. Be Persistent

Insurance adjusters are frequently inundated with claims, and they may try to push yours to the sidelines or undercut you with a quick, low-ball offer. Take no for an answer and be persistent in your pursuit of just and fair compensation. This can be accomplished by:

  • Maintaining regular contact with the adjuster and keeping records of all correspondence
  • Requesting a copy of the adjuster’s file on your case
  • Being prepared to provide additional documents or evidence when requested
  • Being willing to negotiate but not settling for less than you deserve.

When working with your lawyer, it’s also important to be persistent. Keep them up to date on all developments in your case and any correspondence you have with the insurance adjuster. They could then use this to their advantage when negotiating a more favorable settlement.

#7. Be Proactive

Being proactive with your case is another way to scare an insurance adjuster. This entails making an effort to compile and arrange your supportive evidence, such as:

  • Photos of the accident scene, your injuries, and the damage to your car
  • Contact details for witnesses and any police officers who responded to the scene
  • Medical bills, receipts, and treatment records
  • Pay stubs or other documentation of your lost wages
  • A journal of your pain and suffering, as well as notes on how your injuries have impacted your daily life

By being proactive, you can show the insurance adjuster that you are serious about your case and willing to fight for fair compensation.

#8. Be Prepared to Sue

Suing an insurance provider may seem like a difficult task, but it is a vital backup plan in the event that the adjuster is unwilling to provide a reasonable settlement. It demonstrates your commitment to your cause and your willingness to pursue legal action.

Additionally, it puts pressure on the insurance provider to consider a fair settlement and treat your case seriously. Remember that filing a lawsuit should only be done as a last resort. It’s a time-consuming, expensive process that can also be mentally and emotionally draining. As long as the settlement offer is reasonable, it is always preferable to attempt to reach a settlement outside of court first.

What not to say to an insurance adjuster?

Avoid These Common Pitfalls Conversations with Insurance Adjusters

accident victims are not required to provide any information beyond the basic minimum, even though it may be necessary for some circumstances to discuss a claim with an insurance adjuster. Anyhow, victims should avoid the following:

  • Avoid Admitting Fault, Even Partial Fault.

One of an insurance adjuster’s main goals is to shift blame from his insured to someone else, even the victim. Even if you believe you were partially to blame for the accident, do not discuss this with an adjuster. Avoid any language that could be interpreted as apologetic or blameful. Accepting any level of fault can result in loss or reduction of compensation.

  • Never allow a Recorded Statement.

Accident victims are under no obligation to agree to a recorded statement, but this will not prevent an adjuster from asking. Then, he’ll use the recording to try to frame your words in a way that calls your claim into question.

  • Saying Yes to a Settlement Offer.

Never accept an immediate settlement offer. This can put victims and their families in a difficult situation later on when additional care and compensation may be required.

  • Avoid Discussing Injuries and Prognosis.

Only a medical expert can accurately assess your injuries and the likelihood of a full recovery. Your health status might alter as a result of newly discovered or aggravated injuries. It suffices to mention that a victim is receiving medical attention for accident-related injuries.

  • Avoid Discussing the Circumstances of the Accident.

Stick to the most basic details of the accident—the date, time, location, cars involved, and also the names of any witnesses. Even in casual conversation, avoid any additional information or speculation. The insurance adjuster can obtain the police report and speak with witnesses to determine the facts of the accident.

What you should say to your insurance adjuster?

Know what information to share.

You do not need to provide any details to the adjuster, and there is information you can provide that will not jeopardize your prospects. For example, you can state what day and time the accident occurred, where it occurred, and who was present. You should also provide the adjuster with the other party’s name and contact information.

Any information other than the most basic should not be shared with an adjuster. He or she is not required to know your income or the nature of your job. Don’t tell them what you think of the opposing party. You should not tell the adjuster what you believe happened; instead, provide them with the facts.


The following are the most important tips for scaring insurance adjusters in order to maximize payout. Keep in mind that the insurance adjuster is only interested in highlighting all of the potential drawbacks that could reduce your payout. They may even try to outsmart you by bringing up a pre-existing condition that has nothing to do with your new injury.

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