
10 Things that Disqualify you from long-term Care Insurance


What factors qualify you from long-term care insurance? This is an important question, especially if you are considering purchasing a policy. In this guide, we will review some factors that may prevent you from being approved for coverage. Remember that each insurance company has its own set of rules, so consult with an agent before applying for a policy.

Long-Term Care Insurance

What is Long-term care Insurance?

Long-term care insurance is a type of insurance sold in the United States, the United Kingdom, and also Canada that helps pay for the costs of long-term care. Long-term care insurance covers services that are not typically covered by health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid.

Long-term care insurance covers the costs of long-term care associated with daily living activities such as eating, bathing, dressing, and other requirements. Long-term care may be required due to a chronic illness or injuries that necessitate extensive rehabilitation and care.

Can Anyone Get Long-Term Care Insurance?

Not everyone is eligible for long-term care insurance. You must fulfill a number of requirements in order to be eligible for coverage. For instance, the majority of insurance providers demand that applicants be at least 18 years old and legal residents or citizens of the United States. Additionally, you must be in good health and free from any underlying illnesses.

10 things that disqualify you from long-term care insurance

If you were one of the people who applied for long-term care insurance, you were likely to be denied if you:

  • A major health condition: If you have a major medical condition, such as cancer, heart disease, or Alzheimer’s disease, you will most likely be denied long-term care insurance.
  • A history of substance abuse: You will not be eligible for coverage if you have a history of substance abuse. This includes alcohol, drug, and prescription medication abuse.
  • If you had no college education
  • If you were unemployed
  • had difficulty taking medication.
  • If you have ever needed long-term care in the past.
  • were underweight (with a body mass index less than 18).
  • were extremely obese (with a body mass index greater than 40)
  • Required assistance with any one of the following: bathing, dressing, eating, using the toilet, maintaining continence; or, transferring (e.g., being able to get in and out of a bed or a chair without assistance)
  • A criminal record: You may be denied long-term care insurance if you have a criminal record. This is especially true if you have a felony conviction.
  • Elderly age: If you are over the age of 85, you may be ineligible for long-term care insurance.

How Do Long-Term Care Insurance Premiums Vary and What Affects The Cost?

The cost of LTC insurance premiums can vary greatly depending on some number of factors, including:

  •  Age: The older you are when you buy a policy, the higher your premiums will be. This is because the likelihood of requiring long-term care services increases with age.
  • Amount of coverage: The amount of coverage one selects will also influence the cost of your premiums. The more coverage you want, the higher your premiums will be.
  • Benefit period: The length of time you want to be covered will also affect the cost of your premiums. Policies with longer benefit periods typically have higher premiums.
  •  Inflation protection: Policies that provide inflation protection to help keep up with rising healthcare costs will generally have higher premiums.
  •  Health status: The cost of your premiums will be influenced by your overall health and any pre-existing conditions. Individuals with poor health or pre-existing conditions may face increased premiums or be denied coverage entirely.
  •  Location: The cost of long-term care services varies by location, and insurance premiums reflect this.
  •  Insurance company: The insurance company’s financial stability and reputation, as well as their claims handling and client service, can all have an impact on premium costs.


Long-term care insurance permits you to maintain your independence while also affording quality care. It also assists you in reducing the financial and also psychological stress that a long-term care event can place on your family. The disadvantage is the high cost of premiums.

Whether you purchase insurance or not, you should have a plan in place so that you and your family know what to do if you require medical attention. That plan entails informing family and friends about their ability to assist if and when assistance is required. You might also want to think about alternatives to long-term care insurance, such as living with family or friends or moving into a continuing care community.
